Interdisciplinary Care


Streamlined, Integrative Care

“Our brain function is not limited to our heads. So brain health involves the entire body. Our brain function is not limited to our bodies. So brain health involves our relationships and our environments, natural and built.” -Krista Swanson


When needed, we provide neuroscience-based interdisciplinary team psychotherapy, neurotherapy, and neurosensory, neuromuscular, neuromovement, manual vascular and cranial care, coordinated across our clinics, for:

  • trauma (e.g., PTSD) and toxic stress challenges;

  • mood (e.g., Anxiety / Depression), behavior, sleep, eating and attention (e.g., ADD / ADHD) regulation challenges;

  • relationship (e.g., transitions, attachment) challenges;

  • injury (e.g., TBI), development (e.g., Sensory Processing), learning and executive function (impulse, organization, follow through) challenges;

  • challenges faced by those within neurodiversity communities (e.g., Autism Spectrum).

We actually talk to one another, sharing questions, combining assessments and finding cohesive, individualized solutions for your optimal interpersonal environmental neurophysiological health.


Neuroscience-Based Specialists


Krista Swanson, PhD

Dr. Krista Swanson

As an adult, child, infant-family clinical psychologist, Dr. Swanson provides the latest in neuroenvironmental, neurorelational, and psychological assessment and treatment that guide your care across professionals. Dr. Swanson is honored to have assembled these interdisciplinary specialists to offer to the rural communities of Aspen and Basalt, the mental health - physical health services she collaboratively pioneered while on faculty at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles.


Jennifer Johnston Jones, PhD

Dr. Jennifer Johnston Jones

As an adult and child neuropsychologist, Dr. Jones provides state-of-the-art neurotherapy (neurofeedback) assessment and treatment that guides your interdisciplinary care. Her entire professional life has been devoted to innovating mental health-physical health services. At her Aspen clinic, Dr. Jones brings expertise from her tenure at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute.

Briana Pollard, OTD

Dr. Briana Pollard

As an adult, child, infant-family occupational therapist, Dr. Pollard provides cutting-edge, neurosensory-neuromotor-neuromotor analysis and treatment that guide your interdisciplinary care. Dr. Pollard is on faculty at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles where she leads in providing game-changing, collaborative mental health - physical health services. She joins us via telehealth in Aspen and Basalt.

Stephen Warfel II, DPT

Dr. Stephen Warfel

As an adult and child physical therapist, Dr. Warfel provides leading manual (hands-on) vascular, cranial, neuromuscular and neuromovement assessment and treatment that guides your interdisciplinary care. At his clinics in Aspen and Basalt, Dr. Warfel and his associate, Dr. Garcia, make sure that patients are provided with the most comprehensive mental health - physical health solutions.